Vol. 24 No 1 (2023)

Paul Claudel : Tête d’or et les paradoxes de la fatalité

Boštjan Marko Turk
Université de Ljubljana

Publiée 06/27/2023

Comment citer

Turk, B. M. (2023). Paul Claudel : Tête d’or et les paradoxes de la fatalité. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 24(1), 103–121. https://doi.org/10.59533/Verb.2023.24.1.5


The young Claudel’s drama, Tête d’or, reflects the years following his conversion on 25th of December 1886. The play was born out of a revolt against positivism and the optimistic spirit of an era that placed all its hopes in the development of science. It was this that drove a wedge between man and his essence. For Claudel the man’s essence was God. In Tête d’or one can see the Jansenist influence, the affinity for the Racinian monologue and the ontological pessimism of Pascal. Traces of Rimbaldian reading are also present. The drama is imbued with a vital impulse, which Claudel drew from Christianity and the Church. The end is optimistic: Claudel’s faith is embodied in the text, which is now clothed with prophetic power.


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