Vol. 22 No 2 (2021)

“Viví más de una vida porque escribí tu cuerpo”: el erotismo en la poesía de Josefa Parra

Micaela Moya
Universidad de Salamanca

Publiée 12/20/2021

Comment citer

Moya, M. (2021). “Viví más de una vida porque escribí tu cuerpo”: el erotismo en la poesía de Josefa Parra. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 22(2), 355–372. Consulté à l’adresse https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/254


Josefa Parra’s voice is one of the pioneers in the treatment of eroticism in women’s poetry in Spain. The woman, who has always been the object of the desire of the male poet, begins to present herself in her poetry as a subject who desires after the end of the Franco’s regime. Parra is an essential voice to review how eroticism is resignified from the female perspective. This work aims to analyze three ways in which eroticism appears in Parra’s production. First, we will study the images of desire around the feminine in the poems “Xenocrátes recuerda a una mujer”, “Profanaciones” and “Negación del deseo”. Second, the images created around a male desired subject in “Geografía carnal”, “Levante” and “Del amor cortés”. Finally, we will dedicate ourselves to those poems that deals with female masturbation, the poems “El vicio de Onán”, “Artes de Onán” and “Elogio del amor solitario”. This will allow us to evaluate, from different perspectives, how eroticism is configured in the work of our author.