
Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció a beküldéshez.

Ellenőrzőlista a benyújtás előkészítéséhez

A benyújtási folyamat része, hogy a szerzők ellenőrizzék le a benyújtandó anyaguk mindenben megfelel az alábbi listában szereplő elvárásoknak, és azokat a beadványokat, amelyek nem tartják be a az útmutatóban leírtakat, azokat vissza lehet küldeni a szerzőnek.

  • A beküldött anyag nem lett korábban publikálva, és megelőzően egy másik folyóiratnál sem lett lektorálva.
  • A beküldési állománya OpenOffice, Microsoft Word vagy RTF document fájlformátumban van.
  • Ahol rendelkezésre állt, a hivatkozásokhoz a DOI azonosító megadásra került.
  • A szöveg betartja, és megfelel a Szerzői Útmutatóban felvázolt stílus- és bibliográfiai követelményeknek.

Szerzői útmutató

Please submit the editable file (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt, etc.) of your manuscript.

All submitted papers are double-blind peer-reviewed. The decision of the editorial team to accept or reject an article is based on the two reviews.

The submission of an article implies that it has not been published before and that, at present, it is not being reviewed by another journal or by the editor of a volume. The article must be written in French, Italian, Spanish or English. The text must be proofread prior to submission and flawless in terms of grammar and style.

Please submit an anonymous version of the text. In general, in order to create an anonymous file, you have to modify the properties of the original document in the word-processing program used and delete the author’s name.

Please include the following information with your paper submission in the commentary message: your name, mailing address, name of university/institute, ORCID identifier (obligatory).

Abstract & keywords: the abstract (no more than 150 words) must be written in English AND in the language of the paper itself, accompanied by 510 keywords (in English and in the language of the paper).

Paper size and fonts: Please consider that the final paper size of your article will be around 120×185 mm, so your manuscript should not contain tables, figures, displays, examples that exceed this size.

Font: Times New Roman11 pt, with Unicode character encoding (default in Windows 7 and further windows versions). All special characters (letters with diacritics, phonetic symbols, Cyrillic and Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) should be inserted from this font. Do not use other fonts unless it is necessary. If you do need to use another font, it should be Unicode-encoded and sent as e-mail attachment.

Numbering of sections: if sections are numbered, they must be numbered decimally, starting with 1; for example:
1. Introducción
1.1.    Los objetivos
1.1.1. El corpus
1.1.2. La estructura del artículo
1.2.    Las reglas generalses de la colocación de los clíticos
2. La teória de la perífrasi
2.1.    La condicion de la perífrasi
etc., etc.

Emphasis: parts which are emphasized must be typeset with italic font (i.e., do not use boldface or underlining for emphasis); linguistic data must also be typeset in italics as well as the titles of cited works; e.g., “…Boccaccio’s Decameron was…”.

Glosses: between 6…9-type quotation marks; e.g. caída ‘fall’, ánima ‘soul’, … etc.

Examples, tables, displays:
Longer linguistic data, examples, displays, tables, lists, figures should be numbered as follows:
(1)   a.  Gertrude loves Archibald.
b. Archibald loves Gertrude.
c. No-one seems to love Archibald.
d. etc. etc.
(2)   Gertrude loved Archibald before.
(3)   etc. etc.

In the main text, examples like those above must be cited by their number (plus letter): …we can see in (1c) that…, (2) shows that…

Figures should be embedded in your text and sent as a separate file, with at least 150 dpi resolution (optimally 300 dpi), in jpg, jpeg, png or eps format. In your text, please indicate the place of the figure (e.g. “Figure XX here”).

The width of figures and tables should not exceed 120 mm (larger images will be resized!). Font size used in tables and figures should be between 9 pt and 11 pt.

If you use an Excel-generated chart in your Word document, please send the Excel file as well.

Quotes, quotation marks: in case the language of the paper is EnglishItalianSpanish, the format of quotes should be 66 99: “nnnnnn”. Quotation within quotation: 6 9-format: “nnn ‘mm’ nn”.

French texts (the inner quotation mark, too): << >>-format: « nnnnnn », « nnn « mm » nnn ».

The words within the quote are never in italics (except if they are linguistic data). The closing quotation mark, if it is after a full sentence, stands after the full stop, otherwise before it. Thus:
“The problem is thus … the intricacies of the mind.”
Johnson (1952) writes that the “realities in speech perception are tied up with acoustic descriptions”.

Longer quotes (more than 5 lines) should be typeset as a separate paragraph. Ellipsis within the quote must be shown by […].

Other symbols: en dash (Windows ALT-0150): when meaning “from–to”, as in page ranges:
pp. 123–157
Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

Em dash (ALT-0151): for amplifying, explaining, breaking into main thought, etc.:
Johnson — and many others — claim that…


Footnotes: Verbum requires notes to be footnotes.

If the language of the text is EnglishItalianSpanish, the note number should follow any punctuation mark as well as a closing parenthesis:
…dovrebbe cercare nella propriabistrattata intimità.7
…un “Prometeo definitivamente scatenato”8

In French texts, the note number must stand before any punctuation mark or a closing parenthesis:
…c’est à Paris que se forme et s’épanouit sa poésie7.

Style of book reviews: the details of the book under review should be given fully: the first name of the author, the second name of the author, the title of the work, the name of the publisher, the address (city) of the publisher, year of publishing, sum of pages of the work. No abstract should be given to book reviews. An example title:
Paul Richard Blum: Philosophieren in der Renaissance. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2004, 262 pp.

References, list of references: there are two ways in Verbum to provide references lists: (i) references in footnotes (with list of references at the end of the paper), or (ii) abbreviated citation in text plus detailed list of references at the end of the paper. You should consistently use only one of these methods.

  • References in footnotes: this method should be used in non-linguistic The style of this type of referencing should be as follows (please give ALL these data): name of author(s) (first name can be abbreviated), colon, title (in italics in case of books, theses, dissertations; in single quotes in case of articles in journals or books or proceedings or manuscripts), comma, address of publisher, colon, name of publisheryear of publication, colon, pages (for articles within journals, books, etc.). For example:
    • Book, one author (if we wish to give the page number of the quotation, it should be given after the year following a colon; no “p.” or “pp” is necessary):
      6 Fido: Il Paradiso dei buoni compagni, Padova: Antenore, 1998: 14.
    • Book, more than one authors:
      7 Siptár & M. Törkenczy: The Phonology of Hungarian, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
      8 Jakobson, R., G. M. Fant & M. Halle: Preliminaries to Speech Analysis. The Distinctive Features and their Correlate, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1952.
    • Article/paper in a journal. The page range of the full article must be given after the year following a colon. The place of the quote within the article is given after the page range with “p.” or “pp.”:
      9 Selkirk: ‘On Derived Domains in Sentence Phonology’, Phonology 3, 1986: 371–405, p. 372.
    • Paper in a book, proceedings volume with editor(s):
      10 Parodi: ‘Borges y la subversión del modelo policial’, in: R. O. Franco (ed.): Borges: desesperaciones aparentes y consuelos secretos, México: El Colegio de México, 1999: 77–102.
      11 Harris, J. & G. Lindsey: ‘The Elements of Phonological Representation’, in: J. Durand & F. Katamba (eds.): Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures, Derivations, Harlow: Longman, 1995: 34–79, pp. 35–37.
    • MA thesis, doctoral dissertation:
      11 Kahn: Syllable-based Generalisations in English Phonology (doctoral dissertation), Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1976.
    • Paper/talk presented at a conference, unpublished manuscript:
      11 Burzio: ‘Phonetics and Phonology of English Stress and Vowel Reduction’ (paper presented at the Conference on English Phonology, Toulouse, June 26–28, 2002), pp. 35–36.
      12 P. Dienes & P. Szigetvári: ‘Repartioning the Skeleton: VC Phonology’ (manuscript, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest; papers.html), p. 7.
    • Shortened citations:
      If a work has been already cited, a shortened form can be used after that, e.g.,
      13 Fido: Il Paradiso…, op.cit.: 16.
      Citing an immediately preceding single work, but to a different page number:
      14 Ibid.: 17.
      Citing an immediately preceding single work, where even the page number is the same:
      15 Idem.
  • Non-footnote, abbreviated (author–year) citation + list of references following the paper: this format is to be used in linguistics The author–year citation should have the following style: Surname (Year). Or, if a page number is also given: Surname (Year: page number). Two authors should be separated by “&”. More than two authors should be shortened to “et al.”. Examples:
    …Johnson (1952) writes…
    ...according to Johnson & Perry (1977: 227)…
    …the answer can be found in Kaye et al. (1990: 68)…
    In parenthesis:
    …(cf. Johnson 1952)…., and not: …(cf. Johnson (1952))

An alphabetically arranged list of references should be presented at the end of the article in all cases. This list must only contain those works that the text actually referred to.

Names of cited authors must contain their first name, too (which may be abbreviated to their initials). You must also give both the publisher as well as the place of publication.

Cited journals must have their volume number as well as the page range of the article in that journal (separated by an en dash). The publisher and its address should not be given here.

You must always give the full name of the editor(s) in case of papers in edited books/proceedings volumes (first name may be shortened), as well as the page range of the paper in that edited book. Always use the words “in: ”, “(ed.)”, “(eds.)”, whatever the language of your paper.

Electronic manuscripts must be given their internet source (http or ftp address).

Displaying the DOIs in your references is mandatory. When displaying DOIs, it is important to follow the DOI display guidelines. You can find DOIs for your references on Crossref’s website.


Book (title: in italics, English titles should follow the “headline style”):

1 author:

Navarro, T. (1965): Manual de pronunciación de Española. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

2 authors:

Siptár, P. & M. Törkenczy (2000): The Phonology of Hungarian. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

More than two authors:

Jakobson, R., G. M. Fant & M. Halle (1952): Preliminaries to Speech Analysis. The Distinctive Features and their Correlates. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

With editor:

– 1 editor:

Cyran, E. (ed.) (1998): Structure and Interpretation. Studies in Phonology. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Folium.

– more than one editor:

Durand, J. & F. Katamba (eds.) (1995): Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures, Derivations. Harlow: Longman.

Article in journal (title is not in italics, not in quotation marks, no headline style either):

1 author:

Selkirk, E. (1986): On derived domains in sentence phonology. Phonology 3: 371–405.

More than one author:

Kaye, J., J. Lowenstamm & J-R. Vergnaud (1985): The internal structure of phonological elements: a theory of charm and government. Phonology Yearbook 2: 305–328.

Paper, article in book, proceedings (title: like journal articles):

One author/editor:

Törkenczy, M. (2001): A szótag [The syllable]. In: F. Kiefer (ed.) Strukturális magyar nyelvtan 2. Fonológia (Második kiadás) [A Structural Grammar of Hungarian 2. Phonology (Second edition)]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 273–392.

More than one author/editor:

Harris, J. & G. Lindsey (1995): The elements of phonological representation. In: J. Durand & F. Katamba (eds.) Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures, Derivations. Harlow: Longman. 34–79.

Abbreviation if more than one paper is cited from the same edited book:

Harris, J. & G. Lindsey (1995): The elements of phonological representation. In: Durand & Katamba (1995: 34–79).

Manuscript (title: like articles in journals):

Dienes, P. & P. Szigetvári (1999): Repartioning the skeleton: VC Phonology. Manuscript. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). (

Talk/paper at a conference (title: like articles in journals):

Burzio, L. (2002): Phonetics and phonology of English stress and vowel reduction. Paper presented at the Conference on English Phonology, Toulouse, June 26–28, 2002.

MA thesis (title: like books):

Starcevic, A. (2001): Syllable-initial Consonant Clusters in English and Croatian: A Melodic View on Laryngeal and Floating Elements. M.A. thesis. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University.

Ph.D. dissertation (title: like books):

Kahn, D. (1976): Syllable-based Generalisations in English Phonology. Doctoral dissertation. Cambridge, MA: MIT.

Series (like books):

Broekhuis, H. & P. Fikkert (eds.) (2002): Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002 (AVT Publications 19). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Adatvédelmi nyilatkozat

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