Vol. 15 Núm. 1-2 (2014)

“La imagen es la forma lírica del ansia de ser siempre más”: Cortázar y la imagen como forma de expresión

Andrea Imrei
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest

Publicado 01-12-2014

Cómo citar

Imrei, A. (2014). “La imagen es la forma lírica del ansia de ser siempre más”: Cortázar y la imagen como forma de expresión. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 15(1-2), 240–248. Recuperado a partir de https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/471


This paper provides an overview of various theories related to Cortázar’s ideas about the metaphor. I look into Plato, Herder, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jakobson, Gadamer, Ricoeur, Derrida, and deMan to explore and demonstrate the way in which Cortázar revaluated and reworked the meaning of visual images to create his distinctive poetics. Postmodern literature, like Cortazar’s, questions the referentiality of language and shows that it is only visual images that determine meaning. In the work of Cortázar there is always a hidden story that informs us about a different reality. A reality that is form by the logic of metaphorical structures.