Viaggio e spiritualità nelle culture classiche e neolatine
Viaggiare per ritrovare e poi rinunciare all’identità – l’esperienza di Giorgio Pressburger
Publicado 01-12-2019
Cómo citar
Lukácsi, M. (2019). Viaggiare per ritrovare e poi rinunciare all’identità – l’esperienza di Giorgio Pressburger. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 20(1-2), 31–40. Recuperado a partir de
The article discusses the narrative experience of Giorgio Pressburger, the Hungarian- Italian-Jewish writer and dramatist. He argues in his writings that the concept of identity as a warranty of a people’s survival can reach the moment of getting rid of the obsession of identity, of coming to feel to be a member of “the human community of the living and the dead”.