Vol. 6 No. 2 (2004)

Die ethische Rolle der Gefühle beim "Doktor des Humanums" Thomas von Aquin

László Boda
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Hittudományi Kar, Veres Pálné utca 24. H-1053 Budapest, Hungary

Published 01-11-2004

How to Cite

Boda, L. (2004). Die ethische Rolle der Gefühle beim "Doktor des Humanums" Thomas von Aquin. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 6(2), 369–378. https://doi.org/10.1556/verb.6.2004.2.7


The author tries to clarify the authentic human anthropology of St. Thomas, considering the "per excessum" interpretation of Hume and the "per defectum" valuation of the human emotions in stoicism. Thomas was referred to as "Doctor Angelicus" but he is also "Doctor Humanus". He applies the requirements of "recta ratio" and "virtus in medio" with respect to the role of human emotions, too. To the efficacy of "habitus operativus" he accepts the helping role of "disposition" as a type of inspiration. In this conception, "habitus entitativus", as the general state of health, is connected with the emotional forces of the soul, i.e. with the "passiones". The theological aspect of the feelings can be considered especially in relation to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. This is the teaching of Sigmund Freud, too, but his "Libido" cannot obtain the joy of soul. The spiritual joy is the result of real happiness, or as Thomas puts it, "delectatio consequtur beatitudinem".