« Gary s’en va-t’en guerre » Le regard sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale dans les romans de Romain Gary Éducation européenne et Les Cerfs-volants
Published 20-12-2021
How to Cite
Mladenović, V. (2021). « Gary s’en va-t’en guerre » Le regard sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale dans les romans de Romain Gary Éducation européenne et Les Cerfs-volants. Verbum – Analecta Neolatina, 22(2), 301–320. Retrieved from https://ojs.ppke.hu/verbum/article/view/251
The Second World War has a key role in the work of Romain Gary. Present in all his writings, it constitutes the major theme of his work. This paper examines the way of looking at the Second World War in two of his novels (the first and the last published), Education européenne and Les Cerfs-volants, by answering the following questions: how the author relates resistance and what she represents for her characters; how Gary describes the occupants; and what is the worldview and the future of the garyan heroes.