New Series Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

A Global Perspective on the Family

Gábor Kozma
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar Vitéz János Tanárképző Központ Tanárképző Tanszék, tanszékvezető, dékánhelyettes

Published 11-07-2024


  • comprehensive education,
  • family,
  • global,
  • effectiveness,
  • catholic education,
  • social environment,
  • crisis


We live in an era of global crises, so it warranted to discuss the situation of the family in this light. In addition to education, other disciplines are also involved, and are being challenged by social processes that transcend all other frameworks. In this context, science is called upon to enter into responsible dialogue by institutions for strengthening the family, by social organisations and, above all, by the Catholic Church, which is building on the global responsibility of all human beings to find solutions. The study summarises knowledge useful primarily for those involved in teacher training and pedagogical practice, but also beyond, for those who share the social responsibility for the family in the care and development of communities. It draws their attention to the fact that a comprehensive discussion of family matters has become urgently necessary. The only tool that can be deployed globally, across cultures and religions, is education. Either we make education effective, or all is lost: not only is our culture falling apart, but we are literally living out our globe. Global action is needed to strengthen the family, redefining the effectiveness of education on the basis of social cohesion. Global social conventions that reach out to all people are the new framework. We must call on everyone to take action to implement these pacts, to participate in an alliance of science and faith, in social action. Universities and educational institutions have a crucial role to play in making this a reality.


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