New Series Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

Students in The Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education, Their Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and The Everyday Use of AI

Zoltán Rajki
PPKE BTK Szociológiai Intézet Társadalomkutatási Tanszék, főiskolai tanár

Published 11-07-2024


  • artificial intelligence,
  • university students,
  • humanities,
  • social sciences,
  • pedagogy


This study aims to assess the knowledge of students of humanities, social sciences, and pedagogy about artificial intelligence (AI) and to investigate to what extent and in which areas they use or plan to use AI tools in their everyday lives. The questionnaire was completed by 1,027 participants, 65% of whom were full-time students and 35% of whom were part-time students. Of the students' fields of study, 34.5% were in the humanities, 43.7% in the social sciences, and 21.1% in education. On average, participants scored 78.2% on the 8-question true/false test assessing their knowledge of the typical features of AI applications. Out of the 9 domains given, participants regularly or occasionally used an AI application in an average of 1.92 domains. The study also examined students' openness to using AI tools in 4 areas (learning, work, leisure, communication and social media). On average, participants indicated 2.3 areas, and only 16.5% said that they do not use or do not plan to use an AI tool in any of these areas. The variables were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression, examining the effect of gender, grade, and field of study on the data obtained. The results indicate that a significant proportion of participants have a basic knowledge of AI and are willing or already using these tools in several areas of their daily lives.


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