Verbum – Analecta Neolatina
<p><em>Verbum – Analecta neolatina</em> provides a forum for New Latin and Romance arts, literature and linguistics, presenting mainly the results of research carried out at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) and other institutions collaborating with it.</p>Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencesen-USVerbum – Analecta Neolatina1585-079XPico’s Kabbalistic Exegesis in Heptaplus
<p>The paper deals with Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s concept of kabbalistic exegesis. This is mostly apparent in his works <em>Commento </em>(1486), <em>Conclusiones </em>(1486), <em>Apologia </em>(1487) and <em>Heptaplus</em> (1489). Firstly, the study focuses on the origins and motifs of Pico’s kabbalistic exegesis in the framework of <em>prisca theologia</em>. Secondly, it analyses potential Jewish sources (e.g., “Abulafia”, “Recanati”), translated by Flavius Mithridates, and then considers, how Pico incorporates those into his kabbalistic exegesis in <em>Heptaplus</em> in particular. In this context, it must be said that due to Mithridates, Pico’s concept of Kabbalah acquires an almost supernatural and divine character.</p>Jan Herůfek
Copyright (c) 2025 Jan Herůfek
2024-12-312024-12-3125221724810.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.1Identity: A Chamber of Torture
<p>What emerges from the Twentieth-century is the relativity of external reality paralleled by the decomposition of the self. Identity is an unstable and nebulous concept that social constructionist theories have transformed into a series of external embodiments, hence reducing it to a myth. But when self-constituting ties are severed, identity begins to unravel. With Luigi Pirandello’s and Franz Kafka’s narrative, the self must be confirmed by the judgment of the Other. In the dynamic relationship between the “I” and the Other, Pirandello chooses the former, and Kafka the latter. With Pirandello, the individual becomes a madman, but with Kafka, the choice of the Other transforms the individual into a monster.</p>Alberto Castelli
Copyright (c) 2025 Alberto Castelli
2024-12-312024-12-3125224927210.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.2La traducción eslovaca de El príncipe constante – la intención del traductor y el contexto de la traducción
<p>Pavel Blaho translated Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s play <em>El príncipe constante</em> into Slovak on two separate occasions. The article seeks Blaho’s possible motive by analysing the translator’s intention based on the text of the second version of 1895 and contextualises the interest in this play in Central Europe by exploring a sequence of events related to historical characters and tracing the generational succession of translators, literati and philologists and their translations.</p>Mojmír MaloveckýMária Medveczká
Copyright (c) 2025 Mojmír Malovecký, Mária Medveczká
2024-12-312024-12-3125227328510.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.3Les enjeux de la traduction
<p>Translation has a long history, dating back to antiquity, playing a key role in intellectual mediation and the dissemination of ideas, especially during the Renaissance. Today, it addresses contemporary challenges while facilitating intercultural understanding and preserving linguistic diversity. Economically, it enables the expansion of international markets, improves communication and ensures regulatory compliance, providing competitive advantages. In the digital age, translation connects cultures globally through advanced technologies. The future of translation relies on AI and automated translation, providing real-time translations and cultural adaptation, while raising crucial ethical questions.</p>Grzegorz Markowski
Copyright (c) 2025 Grzegorz Markowski
2024-12-312024-12-3125228729810.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.4El impacto de la ortografía en la pronunciación española de los estudiantes húngaros: un estudio empírico
<p>The aim of this paper is to discover whether orthography has an impact on the Spanish interlanguage pronunciation of learners of Spanish with Hungarian L1. Eight Spanish graphemes were selected, and the oral productions of 20 university students were analysed using the acoustic software <em>Praat</em> and compared with the productions of two native speakers of Spanish and one native speaker of Hungarian. It was assumed that orthography-based negative transfer would be observed in the cases in which the grapheme-phoneme correspondences between the L1 and the L2 lack complete transparency. The pronunciation of the following graphemes was included in the study: <em>c</em> before a low vowel, before a consonant and before a mid vowel, <em>ch, g</em> before a high vowel, <em>h, ll, v</em> and <em>z</em>. The results corroborate the main hypothesis: negative transparency phenomena based on orthography can be observed in the case of the graphemes <em>h, v, z</em> and <em>g</em> preceding a high vowel, in the cases of which the transparency between Spanish and Hungarian grapheme–phoneme correspondences is not complete.</p>Teréz Mirjam BrdarKata Baditzné PálvölgyiZoltán Kristóf Gaál
Copyright (c) 2025 Teréz Mirjam Brdar, Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi, Zoltán Kristóf Gaál
2024-12-312024-12-3125230132710.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.5La dépluralisation en français dans une perspective comparative
<p>The aim of this study is to describe the cases of depluralized forms in French. This occurs in two different situations. First of all, these are the historical forms of words in which the markers of plurality lose this value, which leads to the addition of a new plural mark. Secondly, depluralization occurs during lexical borrowing where the imported form which expresses the plural is not felt as such by the speakers of the borrowing language, which leads them to attach a new plural mark. Given that depluralization is treated in various ways, we look not only at French forms but we start from a more complex perspective. This takes into account depluralization in several languages, but we also deal with terminological questions and we indicate the main differences between depluralization, singularization and the double plural.</p>Piotr Sorbet
Copyright (c) 2025 Piotr Sorbet
2024-12-312024-12-3125232934910.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.6Language attitudes in a group of Cubans during migratory journey and establishment in Mexico
<p>The current article explores the linguistic attitudes of thirteen Cuban migrants residing temporarily in migrants’ shelters in Mexico. This case study aims to demonstrate their posture towards the change in language variety and lexicon as they integrate into Mexican society. It sought to examine their positive and negative affective attitudes towards Mexican Spanish through a semi structured questionnaire and qualitative analysis of recorded interviews. The findings reveal similarities and differences in the Cubans’ desire to maintain or change their Spanish variety, highlighting the influence of migratory more than the social factors on their language decisions.</p>Brenda B. Larios Loza
Copyright (c) 2025 Brenda B. Larios Loza
2024-12-312024-12-3125235138610.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.7Norbert C. Tóth & Tibor Neumann (a cura di): Bakóc Tamás emlékezete. Tanulmányok halálának 500. évfordulójára [La memoria di Tamás Bakóc. Studi nel 500. anniversario della morte]
<p>Norbert C. Tóth & Tibor Neumann (a cura di): Bakóc Tamás emlékezete. Tanulmányok halálának 500. évfordulójára [La memoria di Tamás Bakóc. Studi nel 500. anniversario della morte]. Piliscsaba: MCA Collegium Professorum Hungarorum, 2024, 271 pp. La presente pubblicazione si è realizzata con il sostegno del fondo di ricerca n. PPKE_BTK-KUT-23-5 dell’Università Cattolica Péter Pázmány fornito al Gruppo di Ricerca Vestigia. Un ringraziamento speciale va a Elena Ferrazzi.</p>György Domokos
Copyright (c) 2024
2024-12-312024-12-3125248748910.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.15Anna Hlaváčová: Suzdaľský travelóg. O ceste na koncil do Florencie a späť
<p>Anna Hlaváčová: Suzdaľský travelóg. O ceste na koncil do Florencie a späť. Bratislava: Post Scriptum, 2023, 160 pp.</p>Veronika Valchárová
Copyright (c) 2024
2024-12-312024-12-3125249149210.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.16Il Presidente o la Presidente del Consiglio? Polemiche intorno alla scelta di Giorgia Meloni
<p>The interaction between linguistic and social change is a very important area of research in sociolinguistics. Certain elements of the language system are considered to be a reflection of social relations, when these are subject to change, their linguistic representations may also undergo changes. In turn, the language system and its use have an impact on society. In recent decades, the dynamics of this two-way interaction is evidenced in Italian morphology by the use of the gender of professional nouns, which are closely influenced by certain social transformations. To prove this, in my article I will present an extremely current case: the debate created around the choice of Giorgia Meloni, the first woman Prime Minister in Italian history, to be called <em>il Presidente del Consiglio</em> (masculine form). The article will show how this choice is reflected in various online newspapers and other social media platforms, confirming how changes in society can influence the linguistic system itself and how the resulting change becomes part of the accepted linguistic norm.</p>Gergely Kadvány
Copyright (c) 2025 Gergely Kadvány
2024-12-312024-12-3125238940410.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.8Réécriture d’un héritage essentiel
<p>In our contribution, we attempt to examine more closely the role of “adventure” in three novels by Alain-René Lesage, described as picaresque: <em>The History of Gil Blas de Santillane</em>, <em>The Bachelor of Salamanca</em> and <em>The History of Estévanille Gonzalez</em>. Our method is based on microphilological research: after giving a brief historical overview of the expression, we will see the occurrence of “adventure” in the novels, while considering the contexts in which this expression appears and which lead us to some remarks related to the narration. The results of the reflections traced above help us to better orient ourselves in the complex labyrinth of the concept of adventure in the French picaresque novel.</p>Melinda Orbázi
Copyright (c) 2025 Melinda Orbázi
2024-12-312024-12-3125240542010.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.9L’usage non critique des clichés chez Annie Ernaux
<p>Clichés abound in the works of Annie Ernaux, always consciously and often critically used. However, their use cannot be entirely critical, and in the case of Annie Ernaux several factors attenuate this criticism, what we will aim to examine. At first, we will seek to define the critical or descriptive character of the clichés of Annie Ernaux, or their place between these two extremities, the degree of criticism they contain. Then we will examine the clichés in the reflection of all this, looking for the possible differences linked to this character: we will try to find the functions and intentions linked to this descriptive use. In this search, we will concentrate mainly on the sociological intentions, which are of paramount importance in the works of Annie Ernaux.</p>Petra Takács
Copyright (c) 2025 Petra Takács
2024-12-312024-12-3125242143410.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.10Luoghi e nonluoghi nei romanzi di Niccolò Ammaniti
<p>Since the beginning of his career, Ammaniti has tended to choose special places for his novels: almost always imaginary places that symbolise the personal and social isolation of the characters. But in addition to these places, the Roman writer’s narrative features an increasingly massive presence of non-places, which in his most recent novels become fundamental elements of the plot and character development. Thus, on the one hand non-places play an innovative role; on the other hand they signify continuity, they represent a global level of isolation. According to my hypothesis, non-places become more and more present in Ammaniti’s novels, there is a clear shift towards their importance, to the point of constituting the backbone of the narrative. In my talk, I would like to analyse how this change, obviously driven by a significant social change, affects the plot and the characters’ behaviour; how non-places are amalgamated into the fabric of the narrative.</p>Balázs Matolcsi
Copyright (c) 2025 Balázs Matolcsi
2024-12-312024-12-3125243544810.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.11Identidad y paisaje en la obra poético-musical de Víctor Jara y la Nueva Canción Chilena
<p>This article examines the intertwining of landscape as a bearer of identity with the musical production of the Chilean New Song and, especially, with the lyrical-musical oeuvre of Víctor Jara. The study, while also applying an integrative approach, starts from a philological perspective and traces the vision of the human landscape of Chile in the lyrics of Jara and the New Song. A process that broadens and deepens the landscape heritage of Chilean popular music both geographically (horizontally) and socially (vertically). The research dedicates special interest to the singularities of Jara’s vision, whose experiences made it possible for him to identify with the people, the identities that he wished to portray and mobilize. In this way, he sang from an internal perspective the rural and urban marginality of his country. The article interprets the poetic-musical work in its historical-social background, in the context of Chilean and Latin American art.</p>Viola Jékei Balogh
Copyright (c) 2025 Viola Jékei Balogh
2024-12-312024-12-3125244946210.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.12Un viaggio teatrale attraverso i secoli
<p>Alfred de Musset is one of the daredevils of French Romanticism and one of the most exciting and individual figures of the 19th century. His play is a fascinating reflection of the traditions and historical scene of the Medici period, with the language and spirit of romantic theatre. Musset reads the assassination of Alessandro de’ Medici and the story of Lorenzaccio as a representation of the inner nature of rebellion and as a romantic paraphrase of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. My lecture will explore how the political and love scene of the Medici era appears in the Romantic and French interpretation of Musset, and will examine the visions of one of the most important directors of our time, the Romanian Ioan Victor Frunză. I am especially interested in how different cultures interpret the Medici period, and how the language of art and the ways of thinking can connect different societies, groups and people.</p>Nóra Sediánszky
Copyright (c) 2025 Nóra Sediánszky
2024-12-312024-12-3125246347110.59533/Verb.2024.25.2.13Le prix littéraire international du point de vue de l’auteur
<p>The global circulation of Mircea Cărtărescu’s literary works has led to increasing recognition of his writing, earning him numerous awards in several countries. Following the international rise of his work, this article will explore how the author reflects on receiving literary prizes in his published diaries, in order to assess the impact these distinctions have on his public stance as a writer. Specifically, we will focus on the relationship between the author and the awarding institutions, with the aim of analyzing to what extent and in what ways international literary prizes shape the author’s self-presentation, while also considering any discrepancies between the value conferred by the prize and the subjective sense of greatness (<em>grandeur</em>) perceived by the writer.</p>Anca Socaci
Copyright (c) 2025 Anca Socaci