
  • Axis – Journal of Religious History and the History of Ideas

    Our journal was founded by Pázmány Péter Catholic University's Doctoral School of History in 2012 with the aim of providing a forum for the research conducted here, as well as a publication opportunity for postgraduate students and teachers, in accordance with the profile of the doctoral school. The journal publishes studies dealing with the history of ideas and religion in a thematic framework, which process their material in a scientific approach in Christian spirit – this is also indicated by the title of the journal, the word "axis". The international editorial board of the double-peer-reviewed journal strives to keep up with scientific changes in the world in the methods and themes of the journal, which encompasses cross-boarder and related disciplines – history of culture and art, anthropology, ethnography, Eastern and classical cultures.

  • Theologia

    A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Hittudományi Kara évente két alkalommal adja közre Teológia című hittudományi lapját, mely jeles magyar teológusok tanulmányait gyűjti össze és számos teológiai, filozófiai, egyháztörténeti, liturgiai, egyházjogi és lelkipásztori cikkel fordul az érdeklődők felé.

  • Human Innovation Review

    The common goal of recognized domestic and foreign specialists who participate in the Human Innovation Review editorial board is to increase social and cultural capital to introduce human research, development, and innovation results to readers and social and economic actors.

    The goals of the journal include the presentation of innovation initiatives and representatives of various humanities fields, the strengthening of domestic and international professional and scientific cooperation networks, the promotion of cooperation between different sectors, activity systems, and professional and scientific workshops by expanding the discourse on social science innovation in the broad sense. , by implementing continuous knowledge transfer and exchange of experience.

  • Folia Humanistica et Socialia

    Founded in 2023, Folia Humanistica et Socialia is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published twice a year, in which primarily faculty members and students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Pázmány Péter Catholic University and its partner institutions publish original research, edited conference papers and reviews in the humanities and social sciences.

  • Master and Disciple

    The journal Master and Disciple was founded in 2003 by the Institute of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Humanities of Pázmány Péter Catholic University under the leadership of editor-in-chief Rózsa Hoffmann, with the aim of serving the cause of education with a pedagogical periodical that preserves Christian values and openly embraces noble traditions.

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of PPCU relaunches the renewed journal after a ten-year hiatus in 2023, as a member of the faculty journal family, following academic and international expectations.

  • Verbum – Analecta Neolatina

    Verbum – Analecta neolatina provides a forum for New Latin and Romance arts, literature and linguistics, presenting mainly the results of research carried out at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary) and other institutions collaborating with it.

  • Pázmány Papers – Journal of Languages and Cultures

    Pázmány Papers is a peer-reviewed online journal, published in English once a year, with the aim of disseminating original, cutting-edge research within the fields of linguistics, literary and cultural studies. The journal is interdisciplinary in its scope, and it intends to provide a forum for both young researchers and established scholars to discuss theoretical or empirical issues. All issues have a thematic focus, together with a general section and a selection of book reviews.